Each year MPAF seeks nominations for the following awards and scholarship, reviews nominees, and selects a candidate to receive the award at the annual MPA conferences in April and October.
WHO CAN NOMINATE? Anyone familiar with the nominee’s demonstration of the criteria outlined for the most applicable award, distinction, or recognition.
WHEN TO NOMINATE? Now! We are accepting nominations for 2025 award recipients. WHERE TO NOMINATE? Click HERE: https://forms.gle/d3ggAM4bm52Bqgfx5
Professional Awards:
The Beth Clark Service Award is given to an MPA member who has demonstrated volunteerism, activism, and/or advocacy with great initiative, perseverance, integrity, selflessness and good will in the service of MPA or other worthy causes related to the mission of MPA. A psychologist eligible for the Beth Clark Service Award must reside in Michigan, be a member in good standing of the Michigan Psychological Association,and be considered by his or her peers as a person exhibiting the qualities outlined in the criteria. If awarded, the recipient must be willing to contribute a featured article on the MPA website. A 1-year MPA membership and a $250 donation will be gifted to the recipients chosen cause or organization in his/her/their honor.
The Distinguished Psychologist Award honors a psychologist who has made outstanding contributions to psychology in Michigan. Such contributions may be academic, applied, or otherwise reflect the qualities of dedication, competence, and high ethical standards and social justice for the field of psychology. A psychologist eligible for the Distinguished Psychologist Award must reside in Michigan and be considered by his/her/their peers as having made outstanding contributions to psychology in Michigan. Outstanding contributions may include distinct and extraordinary accomplishments with recognizable impacts in teaching, scholarship, and/or clinical practice. One award is designated for each of the following three categories:
- Early career contributor (>10 years)
- Mid-career contributor (10-19 years)
- Fellow contributor (20+ years)
Student Awards:
The Marlene O’Neil Scholarship Award is given to a graduate student in the field of psychology who shows outstanding academic performance, has demonstrated a commitment to community service, and shows evidence of strong leadership potential. A student eligible for this award must be:
- enrolled in graduate school within the state of Michigan
- seeking a master’s or doctoral degree in the field of psychology
- a student member in good standing of the Michigan Psychological Association
- nominated by a member in good standing of the Michigan Psychological Association.
The award recipient will receive a scholarship in the amount of $500 and be recognized at the MPA annual convention awards ceremony.
The scholarship is funded entirely by contributions from generous donors. Contributions may be sent to Michigan Psychological Association Foundation, 37637 Five Mile Rd., #399, Livonia, Michigan 48154.